Pumps & Filtration Systems

G. Doran & Sons Plumbing and Heating offers a wide array of products and services to help you find the water filtration and pumps you may need for your home or business. We have years of experience, knowledge, training and certification in servicing, installing or diagnosing problems with your water system.

We also offer annual maintenance of your water system. Sign up today  and you don’t need to worry about forgetting again!

G. Doran & Sons Plumbing and Heating handles installation and service of:

  • Submersibles
  • Jet pumps
  • Pressure tanks
  • Variable speed pump controllers
  • Water filtration
  • Ultraviolet filtration (UV)
Pump and Fliltration Installations

If you have been thinking about water filtration for your home or business, please call to go over the options that are best suited to your needs.


CALL (250) 743-5493

Contact G Doran & Sons Plumbing & Heating

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